Specify the Reprogramming Adjustments for CV and SV

You must specify the CV and SV values in the appropriate work packages as PM Compass does not calculate them.

To specify the reprogramming adjustments for CV and SV:

  1. Display the Project Properties dialog box.
  2. On the Classes tab, create new budget classes to hold the CV and SV values.
  3. On the Cost Sets tab, create the ReprogCVA and ReprogSVA cost sets, and add the classes you created to these cost sets.
    For example, if you created a class named CV, add the CV class to the ReprogCVA cost set. Similarly, do the same for the SV cost set.
  4. In the project, manually add the CV and SV values to the work packages where you want to display in the Reprogramming Adjustments section of the IPMR CPR Format 1 report and in the IPMDAR export.